1. Mini Baby Formula Maker by Baby Brezza
We have had this for 2 days and it has made our lives INCREDIBLY easier already... especially at night. When you have a hungry baby, you cannot get them their bottle fast enough. The Mini Baby Formula Maker is my personal favorite product. It makes your baby's bottle in SECONDS and it's warm. It's literally like a Keurig for babies. Before this, we were using the already made formula bottles, but that entailed unwrapping, unscrewing, taking the protective foil off, pouring in the correct amount, screwing that cap back on so the remaining formula doesn't spoil, and finally, putting the bottle cap on... all while holding and bouncing your crying hungry baby at 3 in the morning. So being able to walk up to this machine and press Start, and that's literally it?! A GAME CHANGER. I think I tell Daniel 7 times a day how much I love it. We have it in the kitchen during the day and we bring it into our room at night. This is worth every single penny.
2. Portable Changing Table
This one was our number one product before we got the formula maker. (Still Daniel's number 1.) So many people told me not to get a changing table, and I figured I'd be changing Charlie on the floor (on top of something, of course,) so I didn't get one... but that got old real quick. Our backs were KILLING us and so were our knees. Daniel mentioned looking for a changing table on wheels like we had in the hospital, and I found this one. We have one in our room and one downstairs in the living room. (Thanks to my mother in law!) You can lock the wheels if needed, and it holds everything you need when changing your baby. We also put a doggy pee pad over it, which is another great hack - you never know when they're going to have a blow out or a waterfall of pee the second you take their diaper off.

3. Snuggle Me Infant Lounger
This is great for naps. Charlie spends a good portion of the day in this right now. When she wants to nap, I don't always put her in her Snoo, so I'll put her in a swaddle and lay her in this. When I want to go upstairs and clean/put clothes away, I lay this in her crib and she'll either drift off to sleep or just enjoy laying in it while I'm in there.
4. NoseFrida
We use this multiple times a day and it's soooo satisfying lol. Charlie generates a large amount of boogers, which I'm sure most babies do, but wow, anything by FridaBaby is honestly a great buy. We do have the electric one as well, but it's honestly not nearly as effective as the manual one. Charlie doesn't necessarily like when we have to do this (everyday,) but she feels so much better afterward since she can breathe normally again.
5. BabyBjörn Bouncer
When Charlie is awake, we call her "wide eyes," because she's literally like "WOW WHAT IS THAT," about everything around her lol. That's when we'll put her in her BabyBjörn. She's really small right now, so we put a blanket on the inside and that helps keep her in place. She likes to sit in this while watching TV, so we'll usually put Moana on because she genuinely enjoys the music. This is also great to put your baby in if you're trying to shower, do your makeup, take a bath, etc.