7 “Must Have’s” For This Summer

7 "Must Have's" For This Summer by Blondie in the City

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  1. A Hot One Piece
    I have been eyeing this white lace one piece for MONTH'S! I am totally getting it for my Bachelorette Party, and may even need to get the black one too.
  2. This "Reserved" Beach Towel by Kate Spade
    I mean.... do I even need to give you a reason? OBSESSED.
  3. Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Body Lotion
    I first used this after I broke out into hives from an allergic reaction to an antibiotic, which made my skin so dry and gross after that I was in desperate need for some good lotion. I was looking for something with coconut oil in it, but nothing that was actually oily. THIS lotion has since become my all time favorite lotion I've ever used. Obviously the biggest plus is that it smells like coconut, so hiiii, perfect for summer... and of all lotions I've ever used in my life, this seriously gives the ultimate hydration, (a MUST during the summer.) I literally noticed a difference after one day. With most lotions, I feel like I put it on, and then the next day it's like I've never used lotion in my life. Oh, and it's only $6.
  4.  An Ice Roller for a fresh face every morning
    This is my absolute FAVORITE morning ritual before applying makeup, which I've mentioned on Snapchat & my blog countless times, that I'm starting to sound like a broken record.. but here's a recap: It's honestly the best way to start your day feeling refreshed. It brings down morning puffiness, soothes inflammation, diminishes pores & breakouts, etc. - I've noticed it tighten my skin and I SWEAR my cheek bones actually look defined after I use it and apply my makeup. Also PERFECT for when you have a sunburn. The ice roller was my buff when I broke out into hives. my skin was so red and felt like it was one fire, and literally, the first thing I even though to do was to get my ice roller out of the freezer.
  5. An Extravagant Pool Floatie 
    Well, duh. Doesn't everyone need a cute summer instagram photo with one of these? Also a must for a bachelorette party, and mine is next month!!
  6.  The Rose Gold S'well Bottle
    Not that you NEEEED this, but if you love rose gold, are a girly girl, and want to encourage yourself to drink more water, then this is calling your name. I mean, is it just me, or do you just end up leaving your water bottle in the car by accident, or if you do bring it into work, you mix it up with someone else, so you don't drink it, due to the possibility of it actually not being yours? (Maybe that's just me because I don't work an office job, so my water bottle ALWAYS gets mixed up when I'm at work.) Ugh, I'm just looking for an excuse to splurge on one of these, to be honest. lol.
  7.  The Perfect Highlighter To Show Off Those Cheek Bones
    I've finally found my favorite highlight product and it's by Becca. I know almost everyone is obsessed with the "champagne Pop" shade, but I personally love "Opal. Seriously gives you the most amazing highlight. I also apply it with this fan brush by Laura Mercier which does wonders for highlighting.
  1. Pia says:

    I LIVE for Palmers lotion. From the smell to the texture, it literally couldn’t get any better. Also brb, getting an ice eye roller (how did I not have one of these before?!).

    xx Pia

  2. taylor says:

    Water just tastes better drinking it from a cute water bottle!aha


  3. Jessi Malay says:

    Yaaas to all of the above babes! I can’t live without my one-piece either! Hope you have a great week hun<33

    XO, Jessi


  4. Anak Super says:

    enjoy reading ur post
    thanks for sharing

    lot of smile,
    Anak Super

  5. Katie says:

    I love the rose gold s´well bottle. So pretty for working out. Thanks for sharing.
    Greetings Katie

  6. alexdainel says:

    I like your posting..

  7. sophia says:

    Wow that one piece is super hot <3

    xoxo, All about Best Wallets 2017

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  1. Pia says:

    I LIVE for Palmers lotion. From the smell to the texture, it literally couldn’t get any better. Also brb, getting an ice eye roller (how did I not have one of these before?!).

    xx Pia

  2. taylor says:

    Water just tastes better drinking it from a cute water bottle!aha


  3. Jessi Malay says:

    Yaaas to all of the above babes! I can’t live without my one-piece either! Hope you have a great week hun<33

    XO, Jessi


  4. Anak Super says:

    enjoy reading ur post
    thanks for sharing

    lot of smile,
    Anak Super

  5. Katie says:

    I love the rose gold s´well bottle. So pretty for working out. Thanks for sharing.
    Greetings Katie

  6. alexdainel says:

    I like your posting..

  7. sophia says:

    Wow that one piece is super hot <3

    xoxo, All about Best Wallets 2017