The ‘What if’s & the ‘Should have’s

It is pointless to reflect back on certain parts of your life and wish you would have made a different decision, done something differently, etc. It’s not like you can go back in time and re-do it. The more time you waste thinking about past situations and outcomes, the more time you waste by not living in the present. Which will then only lead to you regretting the time you wasted by living in the past, and once again thinking “I should have done this…” The “should have’s” are nothing, because what you did in that moment was already written in God’s book, so there is nothing you would have done differently. And the “what if’s” didn’t happen for a reason. So stop worrying about what you did and didn’t do, or what you should and shouldn’t have done. You are where you are now for a reason, so stop worrying about the past, and start living in the present.