Feel Your Best With Teami Blends

at home, Wellness

Teami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.com
First, let’s start with the Skinny Tea.Teami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.com
Put 1 teaspoon of the tea into the infuser, and let it sit for 1-2 minutes.
Teami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.com   Teami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.comTeami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.comTeami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.com
Now the Colon Cleanse: Super easy, all you do is set the bag in the hot water and let it sit for 2-3 minutes.
Teami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.com Teami Blends | BlondieInTheCity.com
If you follow along on Snapchat, then you saw this weekend how I was joking around about how “healthy” I am. lol. Truly, I am not a healthy person what so ever. I had a cheeseburger and fries for 7 days straight the other week, like it was no big deal. I’ve always eaten like that, but THANKFULLY have a fast metabolism. I also get a ton of cardio in with dance, but I always feel like straight up crap. Somedays Cody will call me to ask if I’m going to take class, and I don’t sometimes, because Ijust have absolutely no energy. I have wanted to eat healthier, but being as picky as I am, it’s not as easy as I thought lol.
However, Teami Blends is helping me get on track! I’ve tried out both the Skinny Tea & Colon Cleanse. (Even Cody is trying them out with me!) Obviously I didn’t drink both here, I just wanted to photograph them both. To touch on some of the great things Teami helps with: reduces bloat almost immediately, keeps your cravings away, (which I have A TON,) clears complexion, and gives you the energy you need. These are literally the exact things I have needed in order to improve each day for myself. You know those days you just feel so crappy because you ate like the greasiest meal ever? I feel like that ALL the time and I absolutely hate it! So Teami has definitely helped with making me feel like a healthier/more energetic version of myself.
If you’d like to try one or multiple of their teas out, you can use code: HAYLEY for a discount! (if you came from instagram 10HAYLEY works, as well!)

Sweater: c/o SheIn   |   Tea: c/o Teami   |   Tea cups: St. Decor

Here are different teas they have available for you to try:
Skinny Tea
Colon Cleanse
Alive Tea
Energy Tea
Relax Tea
Want to take your tea on the go? Buy a tumbler HERE!

* This post was sponsored by Teami



hayley larue

  1. Michèle says:

    wow. looks so so pretty

  2. Violette says:

    I love your cup, it’s so chic! Have a nice day x


  3. lau says:

    loving the sweatter and socks!

    have a nice day


  4. DJ says:

    Such a cozy feel. Makes me want to stay in with a cup of jo and skip class haha. This hue of blue looks great on you

    DJ | Style & Personal Development


  5. Christine says:

    You look gorgeous!

    Christine | http://www.vogueuplikethis.com

  6. erica says:

    Loving that oversized sweater!

    xo |
    The Fashion Forecast

  7. Maja says:

    You look super cozy! Perfect for those cloudy days right now :-)

    By the way, I’m in love with those tea cups!

    Love from Germany, xx


  8. Lauren Ashley says:

    I am so obsessed with the teacup!!
    Lauren Ashley

  9. Amy says:

    I’ve wanting to try a detox tea, thank you for the honest review!

    Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins

  10. joua says:

    I’m loving the living room type of mood-it would make me want to stay inside my house alll day long! ahhaha. That would save me $$ too. ahha
    Joua To The Rescue

  11. sahara says:

    besides tea which I love! you look perfect! and I love your sweater dress!



  12. stella says:

    LOL! That’s good you got fast metabolism girl, that is always a plus. I don’t think I have ever tried any cleansing teas, they do sound interesting and good. Thanks for the post. BTW you look beautiful.


  13. yuka says:

    I definitely want to be sipping tea in that gorgeous living room!


  14. Tiffany says:

    Thanks to you, i just bought the Skinny tea and leaf tea holder. woohoo.

make a comment
  1. Michèle says:

    wow. looks so so pretty

  2. Violette says:

    I love your cup, it’s so chic! Have a nice day x


  3. lau says:

    loving the sweatter and socks!

    have a nice day


  4. DJ says:

    Such a cozy feel. Makes me want to stay in with a cup of jo and skip class haha. This hue of blue looks great on you

    DJ | Style & Personal Development


  5. Christine says:

    You look gorgeous!

    Christine | http://www.vogueuplikethis.com

  6. erica says:

    Loving that oversized sweater!

    xo |
    The Fashion Forecast

  7. Maja says:

    You look super cozy! Perfect for those cloudy days right now :-)

    By the way, I’m in love with those tea cups!

    Love from Germany, xx


  8. Lauren Ashley says:

    I am so obsessed with the teacup!!
    Lauren Ashley

  9. Amy says:

    I’ve wanting to try a detox tea, thank you for the honest review!

    Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins

  10. joua says:

    I’m loving the living room type of mood-it would make me want to stay inside my house alll day long! ahhaha. That would save me $$ too. ahha
    Joua To The Rescue

  11. sahara says:

    besides tea which I love! you look perfect! and I love your sweater dress!



  12. stella says:

    LOL! That’s good you got fast metabolism girl, that is always a plus. I don’t think I have ever tried any cleansing teas, they do sound interesting and good. Thanks for the post. BTW you look beautiful.


  13. yuka says:

    I definitely want to be sipping tea in that gorgeous living room!


  14. Tiffany says:

    Thanks to you, i just bought the Skinny tea and leaf tea holder. woohoo.