I feel like I haven't done many holiday outfit posts and now I'm like... wtf, Christmas is next week?! I've missed my chance! lol. Not really. It's obviously just hard to start styling the cute cold weather outfits when we've only had like one week of cold weather over here, lol. Like always, it actually starts to get cold around January/February, so I'm sure I'll style some more around then. But seriously, I know I've kind of slacked in the outfit post department this year. I've been trying to not only post about other things, but I've also had to learn to give myself a break/rest sometimes. I don't post as often as I used to, but I stay consistent with daily posts on Instagram. Having a blog takes up a lot of time, and it's difficult to stay on top of and get content created on your days off when you still have another job. I used to be SO adamant about posting 5 outfit posts on the blog a week, but I've slowly started to bring it down to 3 posts during the week, whether it be an outfit, a youtube video, or a beauty post. I hated how frustrated I started to get with having to shoot all the time, and then during the week, staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning trying to finish everything, and having to wake up for work just a few hours later. I do love my other job (I'm a jeweler, in case you're new around here,) so that and this job I have through blogging are two things I want to continue, so I've had to teach myself proper time management to not get burnt out. I hope you all still enjoy the content I share and hope you're all at least seeing daily life on Instagram! But this blog is something very important to me. I never want to force a post or post anything I don't care about. Annnnnd now this is just getting long, but thank you to those who have continued to follow along. <3
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for.... The Giveaway Winner: Congrats to Kristin Lee! (Keep an eye out for an email from me!)
Dress: c/o Fashion Nova | Coat: Forever 21 (old) | Shoes: Christian Louboutin