A Look Back At 2017

j a n u a r y

In the beginning of January, Cody and I thought it would be a GREAT idea to move to Huntington Beach... So we did, and we hated it. We missed LA SO much, and we only lasted 3 months in HB, if you all remember, haha. Moving was actually my idea, so I felt so down all the time, thinking slash knowing I had made a mistake, and I had no idea what to do. Moral of the story, we decided to break our lease and move back to LA. It was super time consuming and basically everyone gave me their opinion, but to us, it wasn't worth it to just be un happy for 17 months (since we had signed a 17 month lease.) Soooo there's that!

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | Off The Shoulder Top | YSL Bag
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | Red Velvet Dress | Valentine's Day Inspo
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

f e b r u a r y

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

m a r c h

In March, my first Clothing collection came out!

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

a p r i l

Finally in April, we were BACK in LA and we were so happy. All the struggle, looking for another apartment, listening to everyones opinions on us moving again, etc. was all worth it. We moved into the new apartments down the street from where we had lived before, which when we were basically watching them be built, I said to Cody, "I have to live there..." I actually was talking about this to Cody the other night. If we had resigned our lease at the apartment we were in last year, we would have still been there, right now. (The current apartments we are in now weren't finished being built.) But because we briefly moved to Huntington Beach and moved back after 3 months, it was right when those apartments had opened and we moved in at the perfect time, because now all of the apartment homes are all occupied. THat's probably so confusing the way I typed that out, but it would make more sense if I used the names of the apartments so it would make a little more sense, buuuut I don't want everyone knowing exactly where we live, lol. Basically, it's totally an "everything happens for a reason" thing!

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

m a y

In May, Cody's younger brother, and my now, brother-in-law, graduated college! He went to Gonzaga University, so we flew to Spokane, Washington this month for his graduation.

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

j u n e

In June, I went to Vegas for the JCK Jewelry convention for work and a week later was my Bridal Shower. My Second collection also came out!

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

j u l y

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

a u g u s t

At the end of August, my Bridesmaids and I went to Palm Springs for my Bachelorette Party

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

s e p t e m b e r

My absolute favorite memory/month of 2017... I got MARRIED! No one can fully explain to you how much fun your wedding day is until you actually experience the day. I miss my wedding day/weekend sooooo much, and wish I could re-live it all one more time. After we got married, we flew to The Maldives for our Honeymoon

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

o c t o b e r

October, I turned 26.

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

n o v e m b e r

In November, my THIRD collection came out!

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

d e c e m b e r

December, my favorite month. I'm going miss all of my Christmas decor! SO sad I'll have to take it down soon. Cody and I also took our annual December trip and went to Park City, Utah.

Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017
Blondie in the City | A Look Back At 2017

And now here we are at the end of the year. Going through each month for this post, I could not believe how it all flew by... as I say pretty much every year, but really, I can't believe it! Overall, it was such a great year and definitely my favorite year, so far. I'm so excited for 2018 and to see how many of my goals I am able to achieve by the end of it. (Almost done with my goal list.) I wish you all a beautiful and successful New Year ahead. Thank you so much for following along with me this year! <3

  1. I love your look back. All of your outfits look so cute, and I love the way your home is decorated.

  2. Chenoa says:

    It’s so crazy, you can actually see the happy glow from moving back to LA in your photos! Happy for your success girly, you definitely inspire me! Keep doing you! :)
    XX, Chenoa

  3. Rae says:

    Absolute stunning photos!
    And what a wonderful year for you. Congratulations on you and your hubbie tying the knot! Blessings!

  4. A very well done recap of the year Hayley! Love it!
    Happy New Year!

  5. Jenna Condon says:

    That’s so cool you were able to experience living in HB, even though you hated it at least you know now!! I personally only know Orange County, still figuring out how I enjoy LA! :) That’s my New Year’s goal is to travel more often around Cali!!!


  6. Great recap on your year! I must say it was great finding your blog this year such n inspiration to me.


  7. sepatuholig says:

    Its been an awesome year so it seems!
    Happy New Year 2018!
    IG @grace_njio

  8. Kristina says:

    This looks like a very memorable year! love it <3

  9. Meghan says:

    Such a fun post to end the year. Love this.
    xx, Meghan | http://tanlinesanddaisies.com/

  10. Noelle says:

    Wow, What a year! Congrats on everything you accomplished! I love this post!


make a comment
  1. I love your look back. All of your outfits look so cute, and I love the way your home is decorated.

  2. Chenoa says:

    It’s so crazy, you can actually see the happy glow from moving back to LA in your photos! Happy for your success girly, you definitely inspire me! Keep doing you! :)
    XX, Chenoa

  3. Rae says:

    Absolute stunning photos!
    And what a wonderful year for you. Congratulations on you and your hubbie tying the knot! Blessings!

  4. A very well done recap of the year Hayley! Love it!
    Happy New Year!

  5. Jenna Condon says:

    That’s so cool you were able to experience living in HB, even though you hated it at least you know now!! I personally only know Orange County, still figuring out how I enjoy LA! :) That’s my New Year’s goal is to travel more often around Cali!!!


  6. Great recap on your year! I must say it was great finding your blog this year such n inspiration to me.


  7. sepatuholig says:

    Its been an awesome year so it seems!
    Happy New Year 2018!
    IG @grace_njio

  8. Kristina says:

    This looks like a very memorable year! love it <3

  9. Meghan says:

    Such a fun post to end the year. Love this.
    xx, Meghan | http://tanlinesanddaisies.com/

  10. Noelle says:

    Wow, What a year! Congrats on everything you accomplished! I love this post!
