Three Books That Shifted My Mindset


Once I put effort into changing my mindset, my life truly began to change in the best way. Ever since I began this journey of rewiring my mindset/subconscious, I have found myself to be more positive, grateful, and an all around better version of myself. I actually think back on my mindset before this and cannot imagine EVER going back to that. Life is so much more fulfilling and enjoyable. What really pushed me towards bettering myself in this aspect was my previous job. After 8 years in a toxic environment, I developed an incredibly unhealthy state of mind, and I didn't know anything other than that state of mind anymore. I completely lost who I was.

I have done so much inner work within the last year and a half that any version of myself before this, I never want to go back to. Inner work is crucial for rewriting your subconscious mind because it allows you to uncover and address deeply rooted beliefs that shape your thoughts and daily actions. Replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones will lead you to an incredible personal transformation. You will never get to the life you dream of by continuing through life with a negative mindset.

What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is a powerful and often overlooked force that governs much of our behavior, beliefs, and emotional responses. It operates beneath the surface of our conscious awareness, shaping our thoughts and actions based on deep-seated patterns and experiences accumulated over time. By tapping into the subconscious, we can reprogram these ingrained habits and beliefs, allowing us to break free from limiting mindsets and create positive changes in our lives. Understanding and working with the subconscious mind is key to personal transformation, as it holds the blueprint of our deepest desires and fears, which can either propel us toward our goals or hold us back.

While millennials and Gen Z are often perceived as more carefree and distinct from the baby boomer generation, I believe we are actually paving the way for a transformative shift in how future generations will live and think. Unlike baby boomers, who are known for being deeply set in their ways and often resistant to change, younger generations are more open to exploring the depths of self-awareness and personal growth. By embracing inner work and actively rewiring our subconscious minds, we’re not just challenging old norms but also laying the foundation for a more mindful, flexible, and empowered way of life for those who come after us.

"Your subconscious will believe anything you tell it."

Manifest Book | Change Your Mindset

Manifest: 7 Steps To Living Your Best Life by Roxie NafousiI'll start with the book that basically began this journey for me: Manifest: 7 Steps To Living Your Best Life by Roxie Nafousi. I have always been interested in the whole "manifesting" thing, but never truly jumped that deep into it until last year.

This is the first book that really opened my eyes to the power of mindset and manifestation, and the book I've shared on my instagram tons of times. I love that so many of you have read this! I first listened to this as an audiobook and not too long ago, I ordered a hard copy to re-read. This book isn’t just about wishful thinking or vague ideas of positive thinking—it’s a practical guide that lays out clear steps to help you align your thoughts, actions, and energy with the life you truly want to live. I started listening to this when Daniel and I first started looking for a new house... I swear by this book, because I am convinced that because of the energy we put into literally manifesting this house, it is why everything aligned so perfectly for us to now be living in it.

The book encourages you to dig deep into what you really want, set clear intentions, and take tangible steps toward your goals. It’s not about magic or quick fixes; it’s about transforming your mindset and building habits that support your dreams.

One of the biggest takeaways for me was the idea of becoming the person who already has what you want. This mindset shift was a game-changer. Instead of waiting for things to happen, Roxie pushes you to start acting as if you’re already living your best life. That small shift in perspective made a huge difference in how I approached my goals and daily life. Of course, it's easier said than done, and I've been able to apply it to many parts of my life, while I still sometimes struggle applying it to other parts.... but this is why I continue to learn and read up on this subject.

If you’re new to the idea of manifestation or just looking for a solid guide to help you get started, this book is a great place to begin. It’s the book that got me started on this journey, and I can honestly say it’s helped me make some significant changes in my life. Whether you’re looking to improve your career, relationships, or just your overall sense of well-being, this book gives you the tools to make it happen.


The Mountain is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna WiestThe second book I want to talk about today is The Mountain is You: Transforming Self Sabotage into Self Mastery by Brianna Wiest. I listened to this audiobook not too long ago, and it's definitely a more widely known book than the three.

This book takes a deep dive into the ways we often stand in our own way without even realizing it. She talks about how our fears, doubts, and past experiences can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors that keep us from reaching our goals. What I love about this book is how it breaks down these complex ideas into relatable, everyday language, making it easier to understand why we do what we do. She offers practical advice on how to recognize and overcome these patterns. The "mountain" she talks about is really just a metaphor for our inner struggles, and by facing these head-on, we can turn our biggest challenges into opportunities for growth. It’s a powerful read that helps you transform your mindset and start moving toward the life you really want.

There are some really great takeaways from this book, and it will probably be the next one I end up ordering a hardcopy of.


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph MurphyThe third book is The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. This is the most recent one I listened to, and it's easily one of my favorite books when it comes to understanding your subconscious mind. There are many versions of this book, since it was first published back in 1963, so if you're wanting a modernized version of it, there are multiple options of it on Audible. I personally listened to this one, which is an older version.

In my opinion, this book is a must-read, especially if you’re curious about how manifestation really works but find it hard to fully believe in it. Murphy was a minister and a psychology student, and he combined these backgrounds to create a book that’s both spiritual and practical. I really liked how he tied in Bible verses to back up his ideas, showing how the teachings in the Bible can actually help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind. He breaks down how your thoughts, especially those rooted deep in your subconscious, directly shape your reality. So if you’re struggling to get on board with manifestation or just want a deeper understanding of how it all ties together, this book is a great starting point. Murphy’s approach makes it easy to see how powerful your mind really is, and how you can use that power to change your life in ways you might not have thought possible.


Truly one of my favorite things is working on my mindset and subconscious. It is something I work on daily, and for anyone who is looking to do a deep dive into this, I highly recommend it. It's not for everyone, which I get, but for those who are willing, your lives will sincerely change for the better.



hayley larue