As I'm sure most of you know, I have a maltipoo named Meela, and I am obsessed with her. When I first got her, she was a deep red color, and has since lightened up, but she is considered a "red maltipoo." Any time I'm out with her or post her on my story, I am constantly asked where she is from... so here is a post explaining it all! (Like, I can't even count on one hand how many times in public I've had to text the website of where I got her to a random person I've just met lol.)
I wanted a red maltipoo SO BAD, but could not find any breeders in California that sold anything other than white maltipoos, almost 9 years ago, so Meela is a little Texas girl! I got her from FischerKennels.com and the entire process was mad so easy by the breeder. However, she has quite a waitlist, so if you do end up going through her, don't expect to get a dog within a month or two. lol. There is a shorter wait for a male dog than it is for a female dog, though.
So being that Meela was from a breeder in Texas and I live in California, yes, she had to fly over here. Naturally, like anyone else, I was terrified about this, but again, the breeder made this a very easy process, since this is what she does for a living. She explained where animals are picked up at the airport she flew into... She gave me a list of things I needed to do within the first month of having her, which vaccines to get first, why she could NOT get all vaccines at once, etc.
I know many people may not agree with "shopping for a dog," and that's totally fine, but I have zero regrets getting Meela. I love her to death and could not imagine a life without her. If you have adopted, I think that is awesome. I personally have terrible allergies, and I needed a hypoallergenic dog, so this route made more sense for me. - To get slightly off topic: my dad was adopted, so I have a soft spot for adoption in general. He came from a terrible home and to this day, says that the day he was adopted was the best day of his life. I think adoption is such an amazing thing for people AND animals. However, I would never ridicule someone for NOT adopting. When a couple cannot conceive naturally, I do not find anything wrong with those who spend what they do to go through In Vitro, rather than adopting. So please, save yourself the energy and don't give me a lecture in the comments or my DM's on why I should have adopted. I've heard it all. lol.
So cute

Meela is so cute!!!!
Oh my gosh. I love her!
She’s so cute
OMG I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE HER SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG such a cutie!
Lisa | lisaautumn.com
Omg! Meela is so cute!
Demi | http://demibang.com/
I need that lip color!!!
I just love how cute Meela is! I’m getting a curly white maltipoo (though its not as curly as Meela lol) from a local breeder that breeds small hypoallergenic puppies and am going to name him Noah! I hope to be a great pawrent/sister! Thanks for sharing your story!
P.S. Was/is potty training Meela hard? I’ve heard that potty training Maltese dogs is hard, but my dog (and if I’m correct Meela) have way more poodle in them.
Best Regards,
Simra Jamal
Oh it has been a long time and little Meela is still so gorgeous. When I saw her name on google I just had to say Hello to both of you and wish you well and say thank you for such a lovely review for fischerkennels.com
Hi, your maltipoo is to die for. So cute. I am wanting one so bad, or a red one ir abricot colour. I also want a hyperallergy dog and a small one so maltipoos are saud to be so kind and wasy. Is that the case ? My partner is not for a dog at all but I can’t stop thinking about it. I live in London and my job permits me to take him with me. How difficult was it in the first months ? I heard so many stories about people regretting it because of all the work it takes and people eveb have puppy blues. Would love your feedback.
Best Sarah
Hi Sarah!
Dogs can be difficult to potty train, but that’s typically with any dog! It’s all worth it though!
Do you know where to find a white Maltipoo puppy in Southern California? Your article mentioned that when you were looking for your beautiful Meela, it was hard to find red. We’ve had four white so we’re kind of hooked on white. Can’t find a breeder though.
Omg I just found your article about little meela! I’m actually in line for a Fischer kennel pup for this fall and I am SO EXCITED … maltipoos are the bestttttt
I too have a red maltipoo I had a male first but after he turned one he started to get beige looking with apricot high lights. Last year I got a female red maltipoo that I just adore. I will breed them when she is two. I get grief all the time about getting puppies from breeders and not rescuing dogs from shelters. I also have allergies and asthma so these dogs are perfect for me. I wanted puppies and I wanted this breed and I won’t apologize for it. They have the best disposition, I have three grandchildren and I never had to worry about the dogs getting cranky or rough
Hello! Are you currently breeding your maltipoos?
So cute! I am looking for a puppy. Can you tell me how much she weighs full grown?
Hi. My name is Stephanie LeJeune. She is absolutely beautiful. I’m starting to look for a puppy. I’ve seen that kennel and called the number,but received no answer. So, I was wondering if you could tell me how much was the deposit and the total cost for a red female?
Thank you. I would greatly appreciate your help so much!!!
Happy Holidays!
Maltipoo puppy,she’s friendly
and dewormed

Ready to go too a good home
Message me for more info
Contact me on mail
Got beautiful puppy for you
Text me for more info
Aww she is so cute!! How much does she weigh?
I hope nobody is planning to call/text/email Fischer Kennels anytime soon asking about available litters…. No deposits accepted until 2024 as of now.
She is beautiful! I did the same as you and researched for my Black Maltipoo because of allerges, and I traveled 3 hours one way to get my sweet Daisy Mae. Wouldnt trade one second and I don’t even know what I would do without her. . I have adopted and rescued in the past, but this time I wanted a particular breed and couldnt find any around where I live so I totally understand what you did. I wish yall the best and yall are so cute together!
I love how Meela’s fur is so curly! She is so cute!!