7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking MORE Water

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler  | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water | Pink Starbucks Tumbler | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

1. It's good for you SKIN
Atlanta dermatologist Kenneth Ellner, MD says, "Your skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, which can be improved with proper hydration." It's all about the skin, ladies! I am crazy about keeping my skin looking hydrated. Of course there are tons of hydrating skin creams you can use, but WATER is key.

2. Prevent UTI's
I'm about to give a little TMI, but it's fine: I went my whole life without ever getting a UTI until about 3 years ago. (Which, 3 years ago, I had already been dating Cody for 3.5 years by that point - side note.) We were on a vacation with his family, and at about 2 am, I could NOT stop peeing. Sure enough, I had a UTI. My first one, ever. Wasn't embarrassing or anything because I had already gone on multiple vacations with them, so I was chillen, lol. I was like "Yeah, I think I have a UTI..." ANYWAY... when you go into the doctor with your boyfriend (now, husband obvi,) they automatically think: SEX. So the nurse gives you the sex shpeel... *insert eye roll.* Even though we had been on the vacay for 4 days already, and right before that, it was my time of month, so I knew it wasn't due to sex, but I let her finish anyway. Then 2 months later, I got ANOTHER UTI. I wanted to die. I was like there is no way this is due to sex. I follow every doctor rule for cleanliness after, so no. About 4 months later, AGAIN. Moral of the story, we figured out I just did not drink enough water. WATER?! Are you kidding me?! That was it?! UTI's are the fucking worst, and if you haven't had one, seriously hope that you never get one. But, my dad would ALWAYS tell me, prior to that year of UTI's, that I needed to drink more water and eat a little healthier... Me being me, I was like "okayyyy daaaaad." So now if I ever see my pee looking... not white... I go chug a water, or two. Seriously. I haven't had a UTI since. 

3. FEEL better
For the month of January, I drank only water and completely gave up alcohol. After a week, I felt like I was a completely healthier version of myself. I started drinking FIVE 16oz. waters a day in my Pink Starbucks Tumbler that I'm obsessed with, and it made such a difference for me. Seriously, I never felt better. I felt like I was doing something good to my body, which obviously I was, but I could FEEL it. Cody got me the Pink Tumbler for Christmas and I have used it every sing day, since and I take it everywhere I go, for the most part. I used to always carry waters with me before this, but I was always leaving the plastic ones in the car, mixing them up with other water bottles at work and not knowing which one is mine, etc. Which only resulted in me just not drinking water. When you have a cute cup that is clearly yours and can't be mixed up with someone else's, you are more inclined to drink more. Seriously, try it for a week.

4. Water is a MUST to keep those kidney's working properly
Your kidney's are what cleanse and get rid of toxins when you are adequately hydrated. Your kidney's are basically what keep everything in your body running smoothly, and not drinking enough water can put you at higher risk for kidney stones. And I'm sure we have all heard how horrible those are. 

5. Control those calories
I know we've all heard about this one. The more water you drink, the quicker your body will feel full. If I go out for breakfast or lunch, I always ONLY get a water as my drink, no soda. Once every blue moon I'll get a Dr. Pepper and then during dinner, I mean, I get wine, lol. But as mentioned above, drinking water during your meal will make you feel full faster, which if you are trying to lose weight, this is a great and super easy thing to begin doing. However, I do encourage everyone to replace the soda with water! I used to be soda OBSESSED when I was younger, so whenever lent would come around, I would always give up soda. After years of doing that, I ended up just becoming more of a water person andI eventually started to feel gross after drinking a soda. Even now, if I order a soda as my drink, I literally drink less than half and go back to my water. And if I'm going to pour calories down my throat with a beverage, I'm saving that for my wine, lol.

6. Prevent Hangovers
I literally never remember this super important tip after a drunk night and I regret it every time! Almost everyone knows to drink water after a night of drinking, but I know I'm not the only one who forgets. Of the very FEW times I've actually remembered to chug a water bottle or two before bed after a drunk ass night, I've woken up feeling phenomenal. Like nothing ever happened. lol. BUT, I literally never remember to do this so I always end up waking up feeling like shit. I also recall quite a few times where I have woken up at like 5 am, still drunk, stumbling around to find some water because I feel like I'm going to die of dehydration or something. lol. Theeee worst.

7. Give Yourself An Energy Booster For The Day
I know most of the world likes their coffee first thing in the morning, myself included, buuuut it does dehydrate you, so once you finish your coffee, get back on that water train. I have my pink tumbler on my nightstand that I fill up the night before, and every morning when I wake up, it's the first thing I grab when I head to the bathroom to start getting ready. I drink it while I'm getting ready for work, then as I'm getting ready to leave, I place my Starbucks mobile order and fill up the tumbler again. Once I finish my coffee, I'm right back to my water for the rest of the day. (Your brain is highly influenced by your hydration level.)

Jacket: Juicy Couture (lol - mine is the super old version)  |  Leggings: lululemon (old- similar)  |  Backpack: Louis Vuitton  |  Shoes: Givenchy  |  Hat: lululemon

  1. Dannie says:

    I read once that something like 90% of midday fatigue is actually from dehydration, not just being tired. I’ve definitely noticed that when I’m drinking tons of water, I feel much more awake – definitely more so than with coffee. And if I really DO need that extra caffeine boost, it’s all good with just half caf instead of full caffeine coffee. My anxiety is thrilled when I can keep the caffeine under control.

    If you’re ever looking for a resource to track your water intake, I use an app called waterlogged that lets me log the water I drink in a day. You can set favourite containers for easy logging, do it by the ounce, and so much more. It’s a great way to set yourself a goal and stick to it. Because of the app, I’ve consistently been drinking at least 70 ox of water every day for the last month! The difference in my skin and in my overall well being is amazing.

    Thanks for sharing on such an important topic!


  2. Renee says:

    THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS! I am always telling people they need to constantly be drinking water. Of course they are always complaining about how “boring” it is, but there is nothing boring about healthy looking skin. I actually did a presentation about why you should be drinking more water for a speech class. It’s amazing how many people prevent to intake the proper amount of water on a daily basis. Love your outfit in these photos as well.
    xo Renee


  3. Demi says:

    Love this post! Also, I did not know that dehydration could lead to UTIs! I had UTIs multiple times in a couple of months and it was so annoying!

    Demi | http://demibang.com/

  4. Violette says:

    You are so true about how important drinking water is! I love this pink Starbucks cup so much!


  5. Courtney says:

    Water is so healthy for you. I try to drink as much as i can because it is really good for you.

  6. Jessi Malay says:

    Couldn’t agree more!! Water is KEY! Love the idea of drinking water in a fun Tumblr..it definitely helps hah!

    XO, Jessi

  7. Kathrin says:

    Water is so important and despite knowing this, I’m guilty of not drinking enough! Thanks for the reminder!

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

  8. Jess says:

    Totally agree with you and thanks for your useful sharing <3
    All about trendy hats

  9. Jessie says:

    It”s so useful, Thank for your sharing, love ya <3
    All about trendy hats

make a comment
  1. Dannie says:

    I read once that something like 90% of midday fatigue is actually from dehydration, not just being tired. I’ve definitely noticed that when I’m drinking tons of water, I feel much more awake – definitely more so than with coffee. And if I really DO need that extra caffeine boost, it’s all good with just half caf instead of full caffeine coffee. My anxiety is thrilled when I can keep the caffeine under control.

    If you’re ever looking for a resource to track your water intake, I use an app called waterlogged that lets me log the water I drink in a day. You can set favourite containers for easy logging, do it by the ounce, and so much more. It’s a great way to set yourself a goal and stick to it. Because of the app, I’ve consistently been drinking at least 70 ox of water every day for the last month! The difference in my skin and in my overall well being is amazing.

    Thanks for sharing on such an important topic!


  2. Renee says:

    THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS! I am always telling people they need to constantly be drinking water. Of course they are always complaining about how “boring” it is, but there is nothing boring about healthy looking skin. I actually did a presentation about why you should be drinking more water for a speech class. It’s amazing how many people prevent to intake the proper amount of water on a daily basis. Love your outfit in these photos as well.
    xo Renee


  3. Demi says:

    Love this post! Also, I did not know that dehydration could lead to UTIs! I had UTIs multiple times in a couple of months and it was so annoying!

    Demi | http://demibang.com/

  4. Violette says:

    You are so true about how important drinking water is! I love this pink Starbucks cup so much!


  5. Courtney says:

    Water is so healthy for you. I try to drink as much as i can because it is really good for you.

  6. Jessi Malay says:

    Couldn’t agree more!! Water is KEY! Love the idea of drinking water in a fun Tumblr..it definitely helps hah!

    XO, Jessi

  7. Kathrin says:

    Water is so important and despite knowing this, I’m guilty of not drinking enough! Thanks for the reminder!

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

  8. Jess says:

    Totally agree with you and thanks for your useful sharing <3
    All about trendy hats

  9. Jessie says:

    It”s so useful, Thank for your sharing, love ya <3
    All about trendy hats