5 Reasons Why You Need A Letterboard

Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

2. Adds Some Positivity To Your Life

So I got this for Christmas last year, and the very first quote I put on it was: "What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of out lives haven't happened yet." I love this quote. I found a spot for it right when I got home from my parents house that weekend and loved having a positive quote sitting in a spot that I see everyday. Then the week after, we hosted a NYE party, and I changed the quote to: "In a world where you can be anything, be kind." Another favorite of mine, and I'm pretty sure almost every guest took a picture of it too and put it on their histogram stories, haha. Simple way to get everyone in the mood to begin the year in a positive way.

1. Perfect for Instagram

Yes, I said it... Perfect for Instagram, in many ways. If you're an influencer, and it's one of those days where you're like FUCK, I don't have anything to post today *insert confused emoji here,* go grab your letterboard, search through Pinterest for a quote, put a cute little comfy outfit on, brush your hair, and take your photo next to it. Best part? You don't even have to put makeup on, because you don't need to show your face. Honestly, my favorite types of photos to take, lol. Really though, these photos always do really well for me on Instagram... They're also fun to share on my story. so yeah, you need one.

Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

4. Allows You To UNPLUG for a Bit.

I sometimes find this therapeutic, in a way. After being on my computer and phone for hours when I'm home, I like to take some time to myself to just not work or worry about social media. (Is my post performing well? Are my Pinterest analytics high this week? Am I bringing enough traffic to my blog? What else can I add/change to my blog?) I like to take an hour to myself to just simply watch a show WITHOUT being on my phone and computer at the same time, or I'll change the quote on my letterboard. I know it sounds stupid, and you think it'll take like 5 minutes, but trust me, it does not happen that quick to just put a quote up on there. lol. I'll first find the quote or bible verse I want to add (yes, through pinterest, so this is the only time I'm on my phone, lol,) then I get the letters I need for each word... figure out the spacing, if I want certain words to stand out, etc. It's fun to be creative in such a simple way. I take my time doing this while listening to a playlist on spotify or listening to a documentary. (Documentary nerd alert.)

Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

3. Perfect Piece of Decor for your Home

I think everyone needs a letterboard in their home. I usually have it in the corner of the kitchen and sometimes I'll move it to the bedroom on top of my nightstand. I've seen people who have the smaller boards put them on their bar cart with a cocktail recipe written on it, or a quote about wine. It's so fun to play around with.

Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

5. Use it as a dinner or coffee menu in the kitchen.

If you're into cooking, I think one of the cutest ways I have seen a letterboard used is as a menu. Or if you're a coffee person, write out your starbucks order on it & set it next to your coffee maker. (I saw this somewhere in a donut shop one time, with all of their donuts listed and prices... ALL in the letters. It was the cutest thing!) The possibilities are endless!

Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Letterboard Inspo | Letterboard quotes | Daily Quotes | Letterboard Bible Versus | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

I have the 16x20 Letterboard size with the metallic edges, which I purchased here. It comes with 290 letters in 1 inch. I know, it's $100, and you're probably like... Uhhhh $100 for a damn board? But I'm telling you, you will love it. It was the only gift I wanted Cody to get me for Christmas, lol. He only insisted on getting me other things in addition to that because he was like "I can't just get you a board." lol. Recently I purchased a set of the 1/2 inch letters to use at the end of the bible verse ones, where I put which bible verse it was, and I also got the letter case to separate all of the letter in, which was such a game changer. If you haven't "letterboarded" yet (is that a term? If not it is now,) you'll quickly see how difficult it can be to find your letters. Like an actual pain in the ass. lol. Moral of the story, I officially feel like a straight up Letterboard geek after writing this post up. haha. Do you have a letter board?!