Depression and Devotions

This is a random post, but sometimes I just feel like writing my thoughts.

When I experienced depression almost 5 years ago, I began reading a devotion book called, “Your Best Life Now,” written by Joel Osteen. I made sure I read a page everyday for the year duration of the book. And honestly, I truly feel that is what helped me overcome my depression, along with continuous prayer. Some people turn to a therapist, but I didn’t, because I was in denial that I was even depressed. So instead, I turned to God. I prayed every single day, and not when I was laying in bed, half asleep. I always sat up and had my light on to make sure I wouldn’t doze off in the middle of it, because I really did just need someone to talk to…. I can’t tell you enough how much a simple devotion book, and praying each day helped me. And ever since, I have been such a fan of devotion books!

I grew up Catholic, but now attend a Christian church. Although, I still follow some of the Catholic ways. I do the sign of the cross when I drive by a church, or before an interview or performance. And I also still participate in Lent. This year, instead of giving something up for Lent, I decided to read a devotion from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young, because I was failing in keeping up with it when the year started.

So I just wanted to share some of my favorite devotions that I read during the 40 days of Lent that spoke to me in some way, and I’m sure will speak to some of you as you read them, as well.

“I am the potter; you are My clay. I designed you before the foundation of the world. I arrange the events of each day to form you into this preconceived pattern. My everlasting love is at work in every event of your life. On some days, your will and Mine will flow smoothly together. You tend to feel in control of your life when our wills are in harmony. On other days, you feel as if you are swimming upstream, against the current of My purposes. When that happens, stop and seek my face. The opposition may be from Me, or it may be from the evil one. Talk with me about what you are experiencing. Let My Spirit guide you through treacherous waters. As you move through the turbulent stream with Me, let circumstances mold you into the one I desire you to be.”

“Trust Me, and don’t be afraid. any things feel out of control. Your routines are not running smoothly. You feel more secure when your life is predictable. Let Me lead you to the rock that is higher than you and your circumstances. Take refuge in the shelter of My wings, where you are absolutely secure. When you are shaken out of your comfortable routines, grip My hand tightly and look for growth opportunities. Accept the challenge of something new. Say yes to the ways I work in your life. Trust Me, and don’t be afraid.”

“When you criticize or complain, you are acting as if you think you could run the world better than I do. From your limited human perspective, it may look as if I’m mismanaging things. But you don’t know what I know or see what I see. If I pulled back the curtain to allow you to view heavenly realms, you would understand much more. However, I have designed you to live by faith, not by sight.

“When I give you no special guidance, stay where you are. Concentrate on doing your everyday tasks in awareness of My Presence with you. Be thankful for quiet days, when nothing special seems to be happening. Instead of being bored by the lack of action, use times of routine to seek My Face.”

Not too long ago, I wrote a post about God’s Will, where I mentioned this devotion book. Which you can read HERE!

The two devotion books I mentioned today:
1. “Your Best Life Now” – Joel Osteen
2. “Jesus Calling” – Sarah Young