Four Years


Ok, first of all, how cool is the view of the LA Skyline from the rooftop of our apartment building?! We literally took these yesterday with 10 second timer & a trip-pod lol.

Four years ago, today, Cody asked me to be his girlfriend on the “Great Wall of Chocolate” dessert at P.F. Changs, and we eat there every year on our anniversary just to keep the tradition. :) I wrote alllll about our “how we met” story on my blog last year, which you can read here!

So most of you know about my cousin Christopher, who passed away in 2009. As I’ve mentioned before, Cody went to high school with him.  One day, my aunt, (Christopher’s mom) came over to our apartment and she saw my two coffee cups that have a C & H for Cody & Hayley.. and she immediately noticed and said “Omg! Your initials are Christopher’s initials!” :  Christopher Hernandez. And as cheesy as this one sounds, Cody, Meela (our dog,) & Hayley, are Christopher’s full initials: Christopher Michael Hernandez. Seriously, so crazy! Cody and I didn’t start dating until a few years after his passing, and my aunt has always said, “Most people would say Cody was Heaven sent, but I say he was Christopher sent.” <3



hayley larue

  1. Candice says:

    Aw this is so cute!

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  2. Brittany says:

    Congrats!! You two are so cute and that LA skyline looks amazing! xo


  3. Janina says:

    Happy 4 years! Congrats to you two :)
    XO Janina

  4. jenessa says:

    Wait that is the cutest thing ever! I am such a symbolic person I can totally relate and dont think it is silly at all!! Love this and happy anni! You guys are the cutest!

  5. Kate says:

    Awww this is such a cute post! Congratulations!

  6. Corinne says:

    I just found your blog and absolutely love it! This post is also adorable, keep it up! xx, Corinne

  7. Hilary | For the Love of Basil says:

    I just stumbled across your blog and this story really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing!

    xx. Hilary

  8. Hilda says:

    I love everything about this look

  9. Bblythe says:

    Nice photos! Love it so much

  10. Serena says:

    What a touching story. Congrats to you! There are lots of 4 years for you.

  11. Elizabeth says:

    I love this post. Your outfits are amazing, I love your style. All these places look amazing and that view is beautiful. Love your photos

  12. Gemma says:

    Nice tips! And love all the pictures

  13. Hedy says:

    You look fabulous and so does every spot you visited! Having been born in the US, and lived all over the world (now in London), it’s insane I’ve never been to NYC!! So the plan is to go next fashion week! Willd ef be coming back to your post for advice, thank you so much!

  14. Ivy says:

    This year NYFW was my absolut favorite one! Not just because it was warm and sunny, but also because of the great shows!!!! I already miss it! And I love your blue in blue outfit! The combination was just great for the stunning weather in NY!

  15. Jocelyn says:

    I’m definitely going to check out your food places! They always look amazing on your photos and snapchat! haha

  16. Kimberley says:

    Obsessed with this outfit! That top is way too cute

  17. Lindsay says:

    Yesss!!! Love it head to toe

  18. Marina says:

    Great post! I live right down the street from by Chloe, I can’t get enough! Gotta try Nomo SoHo those pancakes!!

  19. Marina says:

    Amazing photos! The lace top is beautiful!

  20. Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It says:

    Happy 4 years! :-)

  21. Ellen from Ask Away says:

    Just found your blog. I love your style!!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  22. Melissa says:
    You and your boyfriend have 4v years ,so happiness for you

  23. Mona says:

    Love you,happiness all the time

  24. Emma Thomson says:

    Wow,this looks so great!

  25. Phoebe Kinsey says:

    These pictures were so wonderful!

  26. Phoebe Kinsey says:

    These pictures were so wonderful!!

  27. Adela says:

    You two are so cute and that LA skyline looks amazing!

  28. Natalia says:

    Too cute. I love what your aunt said. That’s so special. xoxo


make a comment
  1. Candice says:

    Aw this is so cute!

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  2. Brittany says:

    Congrats!! You two are so cute and that LA skyline looks amazing! xo


  3. Janina says:

    Happy 4 years! Congrats to you two :)
    XO Janina

  4. jenessa says:

    Wait that is the cutest thing ever! I am such a symbolic person I can totally relate and dont think it is silly at all!! Love this and happy anni! You guys are the cutest!

  5. Kate says:

    Awww this is such a cute post! Congratulations!

  6. Corinne says:

    I just found your blog and absolutely love it! This post is also adorable, keep it up! xx, Corinne

  7. Hilary | For the Love of Basil says:

    I just stumbled across your blog and this story really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing!

    xx. Hilary

  8. Hilda says:

    I love everything about this look

  9. Bblythe says:

    Nice photos! Love it so much

  10. Serena says:

    What a touching story. Congrats to you! There are lots of 4 years for you.

  11. Elizabeth says:

    I love this post. Your outfits are amazing, I love your style. All these places look amazing and that view is beautiful. Love your photos

  12. Gemma says:

    Nice tips! And love all the pictures

  13. Hedy says:

    You look fabulous and so does every spot you visited! Having been born in the US, and lived all over the world (now in London), it’s insane I’ve never been to NYC!! So the plan is to go next fashion week! Willd ef be coming back to your post for advice, thank you so much!

  14. Ivy says:

    This year NYFW was my absolut favorite one! Not just because it was warm and sunny, but also because of the great shows!!!! I already miss it! And I love your blue in blue outfit! The combination was just great for the stunning weather in NY!

  15. Jocelyn says:

    I’m definitely going to check out your food places! They always look amazing on your photos and snapchat! haha

  16. Kimberley says:

    Obsessed with this outfit! That top is way too cute

  17. Lindsay says:

    Yesss!!! Love it head to toe

  18. Marina says:

    Great post! I live right down the street from by Chloe, I can’t get enough! Gotta try Nomo SoHo those pancakes!!

  19. Marina says:

    Amazing photos! The lace top is beautiful!

  20. Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It says:

    Happy 4 years! :-)

  21. Ellen from Ask Away says:

    Just found your blog. I love your style!!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  22. Melissa says:
    You and your boyfriend have 4v years ,so happiness for you

  23. Mona says:

    Love you,happiness all the time

  24. Emma Thomson says:

    Wow,this looks so great!

  25. Phoebe Kinsey says:

    These pictures were so wonderful!

  26. Phoebe Kinsey says:

    These pictures were so wonderful!!

  27. Adela says:

    You two are so cute and that LA skyline looks amazing!

  28. Natalia says:

    Too cute. I love what your aunt said. That’s so special. xoxo
