Life Update: Moving Back To LA


Blondie in the City | Instagram: @HayleyLarue

So if I haven't already annoyed you enough with this in previous posts, or with my announcement on Snapchat and Instagram yesterday, Cody and I are OFFICIALLY moving back to LA and we CANNOT WAIT to get back. 

The day I was moving out, I felt my heart in my stomach, because it actually started to hit me that we were moving to Huntington Beach and out of LA. And yes, I know.... HB really isn't THAT far from LA, but traffic wise, it's fucking far. And obviously, Beach/OC vibes are WAY different from City/LA vibes. There is so much more to do in LA, I like the people more, everyone is a go-getter, everyone is always in a hustle, and I love it. Cody and I grew up in Orange County our whole lives, and so did the close friends I grew up with, but we all made our way to LA, and I always loved having my group of friends I grew up with out there with me.
My original move to LA was extremely hard for me to adjust to, but I never felt like I had made a mistake by moving there, or felt like something was off. When we moved to HB, I was irritable the entire day, my heart was heavy, and I wanted to cry,  because I knew right away I had made a mistake. Right before leaving, I went to the office to turn in my keys and my leasing agent said to me, "Is today the day you're leaving us?" I said, "Yep, and I'm pretty sad about it." She looked at me, winked, and said, "You'll be back in LA." well, sure enough, lol.
The first week, Cody and I already knew we wanted to move back, but were going to try as long as we could to stick it out through the end of our lease. However, Cody's commute to work was just plain miserable. He works in LA, and with traffic, and even with him leaving at 4:45 am, he would sit in 2 hours of traffic just to get to work. I swear he hated me, because HB was all my idea, lol. BUT, in my defense, we truthfully always thought we would eventually make our way back to Orange County, and we wanted to try out HB. After weeks of contemplating what we were going to do, breaking the news to my parents, because they helped us pack and load everything over here... we decided to break our (random) 17 month lease. We still have everything just sitting out in the second bedroom because we haven't been able to settle in, knowing we were going to leave, so we wanted to get this process started as soon as possible. With Summer rent being just flat out ridiculous, and us getting married in the Fall, we wanted to do this all before Summer, so we move back in April!
Moral of the story, while many people gasped at the fact that we were breaking our lease, saying, "Omg, you JUST moved!" and everything else there is to say that made me want to roll my eyes, I personally think life is way too short to keep yourself in a situation that you're not happy in, or that doesn't feel right. And I wasn't going to sit here for 17 months, counting the days until our lease ended. So over the weekend, after weeks of emailing back and forth, seeing what we can do with the leasing office, we got the papers signed to move, and now we feel like we can breath again! 



hayley larue

  1. Belen says:

    Yeii!!! This are such an amazing news I’m really happy foe you guys :)

    New post:


  2. Miss Pippi says:

    I wish you all the best. If that is the thing you feel to be the right decisin, you hav to do it. No matter what others say. Good luck! XO, Pippi

  3. Congratulations on your move back to LA!
    That’s so exciting!! Can’t wait to see all of your photos!


  4. Kate says:

    I’m excited for your move! Best of luck

  5. Rachael Dickinson says:

    Good luck with the move! Your heart always knows if it is right or not!

    Rachael xox

  6. This is wonderful news! L.A. is an amazing city.
    Sending my best wishes xo

  7. Carina says:

    I think it’s great that you’re moving back to where you’re happy, life is indeed too short to be unhappy!


  8. Janina says:

    Whatever makes you and Cody happy is the most important thing! Glad youre gonna be back in LA <3
    XO Janina

  9. Yachy says:

    Oh man that broken lease MUST suck! But you gotta do what you gotta do! I’m actually laughing bc I’m moving in April and I’m hoping I don’t regret living in my apt for the past 3 years. lmfao

  10. Danny says:

    So happy for you guys!! You’re deff right and life is WAY to short to be stuck in a place you hate even for a week longer than necessary. :)

  11. sophie says:

    Such a happy news, congrats <3

    xoxo, Best Wallets for Women and Men 2016

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  1. Belen says:

    Yeii!!! This are such an amazing news I’m really happy foe you guys :)

    New post:


  2. Miss Pippi says:

    I wish you all the best. If that is the thing you feel to be the right decisin, you hav to do it. No matter what others say. Good luck! XO, Pippi

  3. Congratulations on your move back to LA!
    That’s so exciting!! Can’t wait to see all of your photos!


  4. Kate says:

    I’m excited for your move! Best of luck

  5. Rachael Dickinson says:

    Good luck with the move! Your heart always knows if it is right or not!

    Rachael xox

  6. This is wonderful news! L.A. is an amazing city.
    Sending my best wishes xo

  7. Carina says:

    I think it’s great that you’re moving back to where you’re happy, life is indeed too short to be unhappy!


  8. Janina says:

    Whatever makes you and Cody happy is the most important thing! Glad youre gonna be back in LA <3
    XO Janina

  9. Yachy says:

    Oh man that broken lease MUST suck! But you gotta do what you gotta do! I’m actually laughing bc I’m moving in April and I’m hoping I don’t regret living in my apt for the past 3 years. lmfao

  10. Danny says:

    So happy for you guys!! You’re deff right and life is WAY to short to be stuck in a place you hate even for a week longer than necessary. :)

  11. sophie says:

    Such a happy news, congrats <3

    xoxo, Best Wallets for Women and Men 2016