My Christmas Present to San Francisco.

life, places

If you read my previous post, then you know that one of Cody’s gift’s to me was a trip to San Francisco! We just got back in to L.A. last night, and I’ve been dying to post these pictures of the beautiful city.
We stayed at the Mandarin Oriental on the 45th floor, and we had the most amazing view!
Cody told me when he was booking this trip, he went on Google and typed in, “Best hotel views in San Francisco,” and he found this beauty. (Mandarin Oriental Hotel.)sanfran1
 And here’s the view at night during sunset.  sanfran11
For all of my fellow Starbucks lovers out there, I’m sure you are aware that Starbucks partnered with “La Boulange” for their pastries? Well, here is the actual La Boulange!sanfran4 sanfran3
And since I’m a sucker for Cafe’s, here is a picture of my cup from “Jane Cafe” sanfran13
Now on to Fishermen’s Warf… I hate to break it to you guys, but Cody and I were not that impressed with the clam chowder bowls here. Everyone says how amazing they are, but they’re honestly equivalent to the one’s at Disneyland. :/
But aside from the fishy smell, they had the cutest places in this area!
Like this Crepe Cafe. Yep, another cafe…sanfran20
Biscoff Coffee Corner.sanfran9sanfran7
And the cutest Dreyer’s Ice Cream I’ve ever seen!sanfran19
A few minutes away from Fishermen’s Warf is Ghiradelli Square, which has the entire square smelling like chocolate.sanfran10
I loved every house.sanfran17 sanfran18
Lombard Street.sanfran12
The skyline view from the boat on the way to the infamous Alcatraz!
Ever since my very first trip to San Francisco, when I was about 13 years old, I have been dying to go to Alcatraz. I remember asking my mom what it was during my first trip and I was so amazed with it. I wanted to take the tour so bad, but I was there for a dance performance, and we sadly didn’t have enough time. But this time we did! I had wide eyes the entire tour because of how interesting it all is to me. I’m kind of a freak when it comes to this type of history, and I watched about 3 different documentaries within the two days of knowing we were going to go. I took pictures, but they are so creepy, so I’d rather it not haunt my blog. lol.
Last but not least, our last stop of the trip yesterday was of course, the Golden Gate Bridge!sanfran21
We even decided to walk across the entire thing, and let me tell you, it was miserable. Although, it may have sucked because we power walked the entire thing since we were trying to get across in time to catch our tour bus to take us back. Not only that, but our legs and ankles were already dead from the two days before from how much we had already walked.
But what a great way to not only end the month of December, but the year 2013.



hayley larue