Our Trip To Chicago

life, places

City View of Chicago

Chicago was definitely VERY cold for us, but we still really enjoyed it. (The place, not the cold. lol.) And again, just to clarify, the outfit posts I posted while in Chicago were NOT what I was wearing while there. Believe me, I get cold so easily, that I would NOT wear a dress with sandals in 40 degree weather, let alone 65 degree weather. Everything I post on here is usually always taken the week prior. Anyway! Cody had a lot of business trips towards the end of last year, and since his company reimburses him for any expenses, he decided to get a credit card where he could earn rewards points through any Hilton owned hotel. So because of that, 3 of the nights we were there, we didn’t even have to pay for them! We stayed at 3 different hotels, and the one we did pay for wasn’t Hilton owned, but was also one of our favorites that we stayed at.. Which was The Langham. So first we were at The Conrad for the first day (didn’t get pictures of it,) The Langham on the second, and The Waldorf Astoria for the third and fourth.

How freaking amazing is the lobby at The Langham?!

The Langham ChicagoThe Langham Chicago

The night before, I snuck out of the room without Cody noticing, to call The Langham and ask if they could have a cupcake in the room for when we got there.

The Langham Chicago
We ended up having a minor issue in our room that maintenance couldn’t fix, so they upgraded us to their club suite!
The Langham Chicago The Langham ChicagoThe Langham ChicagoThe Langham Chicago
The Langham ChicagoThe Langham Chicago
And soon after moving our stuff there, a gift was brought up for Cody for his Birthday as an apology. lol! Seriously, everyone there was SO nice, and we didn’t even care that we had to move our stuff to a different room, but regardless, th hotel staff went above and beyond to make sure we had a great experience. 
The Langham Chicago

Then we went out to do the touristy stuff
Chicago The Bean Chicago Pink Coat from Goodnight Macaroon The Langham Chicago Chicago Chicago A Day In The Windy City
We were pretty tired this day, so we decided to get take out and eat it in our room while we watched Scandal.

The Langham ChicagoOn the third day, we headed over to The Waldorf Astoria for our last two nights. As I said earlier, this one was part of Cody’s rewards, so we didn’t pay a penny. They even upgraded us to a suit for no reason! lol. (I would say we got pretty lucky this trip.)
The Waldorf Astoria Chicago The Waldorf Astoria Chicago
The Waldorf Astoria Chicago

When they asked what we were here for, we said for Cody’s birthday, so they sent up another little gift

The Waldorf Astoria Chicago

And then it was time for us to be tourists again (we did the boat tour!)
chicago11 Marc Jacobs Chicago ChicagoOOTD
Wildberry Pancakes

Wildberry Pancakes Chicagochicago15
I didn’t get many  pictures on our last full day because it was raining, and much colder, so my hands were in my pockets pretty much the whole time. We also used the last day to shop around. I did love the deep dish pizza, but one of my absolute favorite places we ate at was Shake Shack. I am literally craving it right now an it’s 2:30 in the morning.

Conversation we had the most:
“Where are you guys from?”
“Omg how is the weather over there?!” or “California?! What in the world are you doing in Chicago?!”

Not even joking, we heard this about 20 times. lol. All in all, we had a great time. Despite the weather, we loved the city. It reminded me of a nicer and much cleaner version of New York. :)   But I must say, I am definitely happy to be home in todays 90 degree weather!



hayley larue

  1. Liv Sveinson says:

    Glad you enjoyed your trip. Love the shot of you trying to keep your head from being blown into Iowa. Chicago has nice people, great food,horrible weather, and lots of water California girl.

  2. Laura says:

    You need to come back in the summer…it’s so much more fun when it’s warm:)


  3. Oda Knutson says:

    Thank for the kind words about my city. And all the wonderful photos. So happy you wore sensible clothes and shoes. I was worried. I wish people would stop commenting on our weather. We do have lovely days here. At lease twice a year…usually…ah sometimes? ;)

  4. Lucy says:

    Wow, that place is absolutely gorgeous. Amazing photos!


  5. Carina says:

    Nice pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time!


  6. Maria says:

    Welcome back and I am so happy for you Hayley! It sounded like a dream weekend and the hotel is so gorgeous. They treated you like royalty, which you of course deserve,LOL. When you’re in love, weather doesn’t play a big part in one’s vacation anyway. But I bet SoCal felt great after Chicago? You look adorable in every picture, I love that pink jacket.

    • Hayley Larue says:

      Thank you, Maria! It was definitely pretty cool getting treated like royalty, I must say! And oh my goodness, SoCal felt phenomenal once I got back. I’ve never appreciated warm weather so much in my life lol!

  7. Cassie says:

    Looks like you two have fun pretty lady!!


  8. Jordyn says:

    Oh my gosh it seems like you really lucked out with the hotels. This looks like such a fun birthday trip despite the cold!

  9. Niki M says:

    Of course the hotel staffs were extra nice. The LA loon crew is great for public relations. They show up every year about now to shoot movies here. And they spend lots of money. You took great photos of the hotels and wrote nice reviews. You do kinda look one of those movie stars. Anyway, you an enjoyable trip,and they got some good PR.

  10. Pam says:

    Oh Chicago and their hotels.. so pretty! Haha glad you two had a great time! :)


  11. Athena says:

    fun boyfriend and sandals pretty colors style chic http://www.monclerjacketsalee.com

  12. Dannie says:

    Looks like you really enjoyed Chicago despite the cold! I swear, it does get warm here eventually. It just takes a while sometimes. We actually hit 70 this past weekend. And suddenly everyone was outside.

    I’m so glad you did the boat tour! It’s a must-do for anyone visiting Chicago for the first time. Gives you a crash course in the city. And I love your skyline shots! I definitely found my work building. I’m right near Millennium Park, can see it in the lunchroom.


    • Hayley Larue says:

      I did! I absolutely loved the city. I had a feeling it would warm up once we left! haha. A lot of people had said it was warm the week before we were there, and I was like, of course, just our luck. But I still had a great time! :)

  13. Veronika says:

    OMG the hotel room looks amazing! I have never been to Chicago, but its definitely on my list for next year. Love this post. Thanks for sharing.
    http://pancakesinbed.com NYC travel and lifestyle blog

  14. James Weinstein says:

    To be honest your article is informative . I search many site to know about Hotel but i cant find any
    site which i am looking. After i saw your site and i read it and it help me a lot .
    Thanks for share your kind information.
    You can also this article on Hotels Near Scotabank Arena

make a comment
  1. Liv Sveinson says:

    Glad you enjoyed your trip. Love the shot of you trying to keep your head from being blown into Iowa. Chicago has nice people, great food,horrible weather, and lots of water California girl.

  2. Laura says:

    You need to come back in the summer…it’s so much more fun when it’s warm:)


  3. Oda Knutson says:

    Thank for the kind words about my city. And all the wonderful photos. So happy you wore sensible clothes and shoes. I was worried. I wish people would stop commenting on our weather. We do have lovely days here. At lease twice a year…usually…ah sometimes? ;)

  4. Lucy says:

    Wow, that place is absolutely gorgeous. Amazing photos!


  5. Carina says:

    Nice pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time!


  6. Maria says:

    Welcome back and I am so happy for you Hayley! It sounded like a dream weekend and the hotel is so gorgeous. They treated you like royalty, which you of course deserve,LOL. When you’re in love, weather doesn’t play a big part in one’s vacation anyway. But I bet SoCal felt great after Chicago? You look adorable in every picture, I love that pink jacket.

    • Hayley Larue says:

      Thank you, Maria! It was definitely pretty cool getting treated like royalty, I must say! And oh my goodness, SoCal felt phenomenal once I got back. I’ve never appreciated warm weather so much in my life lol!

  7. Cassie says:

    Looks like you two have fun pretty lady!!


  8. Jordyn says:

    Oh my gosh it seems like you really lucked out with the hotels. This looks like such a fun birthday trip despite the cold!

  9. Niki M says:

    Of course the hotel staffs were extra nice. The LA loon crew is great for public relations. They show up every year about now to shoot movies here. And they spend lots of money. You took great photos of the hotels and wrote nice reviews. You do kinda look one of those movie stars. Anyway, you an enjoyable trip,and they got some good PR.

  10. Pam says:

    Oh Chicago and their hotels.. so pretty! Haha glad you two had a great time! :)


  11. Athena says:

    fun boyfriend and sandals pretty colors style chic http://www.monclerjacketsalee.com

  12. Dannie says:

    Looks like you really enjoyed Chicago despite the cold! I swear, it does get warm here eventually. It just takes a while sometimes. We actually hit 70 this past weekend. And suddenly everyone was outside.

    I’m so glad you did the boat tour! It’s a must-do for anyone visiting Chicago for the first time. Gives you a crash course in the city. And I love your skyline shots! I definitely found my work building. I’m right near Millennium Park, can see it in the lunchroom.


    • Hayley Larue says:

      I did! I absolutely loved the city. I had a feeling it would warm up once we left! haha. A lot of people had said it was warm the week before we were there, and I was like, of course, just our luck. But I still had a great time! :)

  13. Veronika says:

    OMG the hotel room looks amazing! I have never been to Chicago, but its definitely on my list for next year. Love this post. Thanks for sharing.
    http://pancakesinbed.com NYC travel and lifestyle blog

  14. James Weinstein says:

    To be honest your article is informative . I search many site to know about Hotel but i cant find any
    site which i am looking. After i saw your site and i read it and it help me a lot .
    Thanks for share your kind information.
    You can also this article on Hotels Near Scotabank Arena