

A seed was planted in your heart the day you were born that gave you a passion for something. The only way to make that seed grow is if you water it by working towards your goal. But… Sometimes you feel like you’re stuck in some sort of ditch. Like you’re really close to getting something, and you feel like you deserve it, so you think you’ll get it, but in the end, it goes to someone else. Dreams/career goals can seem close to impossible at times, and you start to think of other possible paths you could go down, instead of the one you’ve planned on. Although it’s easy to get discouraged, you just have to remember that you were put on this Earth for a reason. Either there is something better out there for you, or it’s just not the right time yet. Whatever the dream or goal is, keep reaching, because if it’s something you love that much, then the discouragement, fear, and frustration, will all be worth it in the end.

(I took this photo while in Maui this past Summer, and added the quote with the iPhone app: PicLab.)



hayley larue

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I love this beautiful message. It is so true that God placed us in this exact place in this exact time for a reason. I live by the motto that everything happens for a reason; thank you for reminding me of this important message.

    • Hayley Larue says:

      I’m so happy to hear this spoke to you in some way, Elizabeth, and that you enjoyed the little message. Thanks so much for reading! <3

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  1. Elizabeth says:

    I love this beautiful message. It is so true that God placed us in this exact place in this exact time for a reason. I live by the motto that everything happens for a reason; thank you for reminding me of this important message.

    • Hayley Larue says:

      I’m so happy to hear this spoke to you in some way, Elizabeth, and that you enjoyed the little message. Thanks so much for reading! <3