Where I Stayed In Paris


Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris Hotel | Maison Albar Hotel Diamond | Where To Stay In Paris Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

Last week, I went to Paris with two of my friends, Chandler and Brenna, and we just got back a few days ago. We attempted to get our schedules to work to be there for fashion week, which was the week before we got there, but that week just didn't work out... so we decided to still book a trip for fun! I'm actually glad we didn't go for Fashion week, because we actually had time to explore the city, AND we had NO rain! It rained the week before and it started raining the day we left, so it actually worked out perfectly. We stayed at Maison Albar Hotel Le Diamond. Once we got to the hotel, Chandler, (who I jokingly call my manager,) asked at the front desk if we could get a free room upgrade because she was traveling with two bloggers, and we did! lol. We were supposed to get a standard room with no balcony, and they moved us to a corner room with a balcony. I WISH I got a picture of this! I did get a cute video though, which you can find on my instagram in my "Paris" story highlight. (Being that Brenna and I are bloggers, we did want to find an aesthetically pleasing hotel, lol.)
Hotels in paris are known to be relatively small, but ours was such a good size, and 3 of us fit perfectly in it. The sofa turned into a bed, of course, and I must say, being the mattress snob that I am, I have NEVER slept on a more comfortable sofa bed. I was quite impressed. The hotel in general was in the perfect location, in relation to every place we wanted to go to, it was so nice, and the coffee and croissants were SO good. Believe it or not... my trip to Paris was not nearly as expensive as you'd think. First of all, my flight was FREE, thanks to my American Express points, so I basically just had to pay for my half of the hotel which came out to a little over $500 each after taxes, etc. Not too bad for a 5 star boutique hotel in a safe area for 5 days! I'll be sharing more about the trip throughout the next week!



hayley larue

  1. Yachy | HappilyEverAlanis says:

    Omg you got SO lucky! Perfect weather, free flight, affordable hotel, girls trip?!
    I think I recall, that you booked your Paris trip, what within like 6 months? If so, I’m surprised the hotel wasn’t so pricey considering!
    I just awed the entire time on your stories sighing to my fiancé how I wish I could travel to Paris. “One day”

    Instagram | HappilyEverAlanis.com | Youtube

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  1. Yachy | HappilyEverAlanis says:

    Omg you got SO lucky! Perfect weather, free flight, affordable hotel, girls trip?!
    I think I recall, that you booked your Paris trip, what within like 6 months? If so, I’m surprised the hotel wasn’t so pricey considering!
    I just awed the entire time on your stories sighing to my fiancé how I wish I could travel to Paris. “One day”

    Instagram | HappilyEverAlanis.com | Youtube