10 Interesting Facts About The Eiffel Tower


Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

Below was our view from dinner at Cafe de l'homme. It was our best dinner in Paris with the absolute best view. We got lucky, because we were originally sitting inside, and the manager, after a few minutes of sitting down and looking outside, tells us to follow him... and he seats us outside with no additional charge! It's usually an additional 50 euro each to sit outside, but we didn't even know if we'd like the food, so we were like, ehh, let's just sit inside... Little did we know, we'd end up loving the food. The truffle macaroni was amaaaaazing.

Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

I was literally star struck when I first laid eyes on the Eiffel Tower. I could NOT believe I was actually seeing it in real life and I was absolutely in awe and IN LOVE. It is officially my favorite view in the world.

Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

1. The Eiffel Tower was invented by Pierre Bideau, and unveiled to the world on December 31, 1885.

2. The sparkling lights (my favorite part,) didn't begin until December 31, 1999, to ring in the year 2000.

3. The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be torn down after 20 years, because many people in the city felt it was an eye sore and "monstrous." Not only that, but this was the original amount of time given for the permit. Needles to say, I am SO happy this didn't happen... but because it provided a great radio antenna, they allowed it to stay up past the permit's expiration date.

4. The Eiffel Tower was originally supposed to be built in Barcelona! But Spain rejected it. Crazy right?!

5. Erika La Tour and The Eiffel Tower are....... married. Seriously.

6. The weight of the paint on the Eiffel Tower is equivalent to 10 elephants. The tower is repainted about every 7 years.

7. Gustave Eiffel had an apartment at the very top of the tower, which is still there today. Parisians would offer up “a small fortune” to rent his private space for a single night, but Eiffel consistently refused. However, he would occasionally entertain guests of the utmost prestige (Thomas Edison is one notable example). (via Caitlin Morton & Melissa Minton)

8. Many countries were jealous of the Eiffel Tower. In 1891, railway entrepreneur, Edward Watkin, built a similar structure in London, to outdo the Eiffel Tower.Unfortunately, it was very unstable and never completed. In place of this, now, is the Wembley Stadium.

9. It took 2 years, 2 months and 5 days to complete, with about 300 workers.

10. "In a secret deal between Charles de Gaulle and the Mayor of Montreal, the Eiffel Tower was almost moved to Canada in 1960." (via Christopher McFadden.)

Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Paris, France | Eiffel Tower Views | Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue



hayley larue

  1. Yachy | Happily Ever Alanis says:

    I also heard it was illegal to photograph the tower at night when the lights are on because of copyrights. Crazy right?!

    Also, in one of your facts, I did get confused. It was showcased in 1985 and took 2 years to built, but how did someone from 1891 try to outdo something that wasn’t invented yet? This is 90+ years before it’s unveil. Is the year 1891 a typo?

    Instagram | HappilyEverAlanis.com | Youtube

    • Hayley Larue says:

      Whoops! Typo on the 1985… that should be 1889! But definitely not illegal to photograph at night when it’s lit up or sparkling! THOUSANDS of people are all around it taking photos and videos of it!

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  1. Yachy | Happily Ever Alanis says:

    I also heard it was illegal to photograph the tower at night when the lights are on because of copyrights. Crazy right?!

    Also, in one of your facts, I did get confused. It was showcased in 1985 and took 2 years to built, but how did someone from 1891 try to outdo something that wasn’t invented yet? This is 90+ years before it’s unveil. Is the year 1891 a typo?

    Instagram | HappilyEverAlanis.com | Youtube

    • Hayley Larue says:

      Whoops! Typo on the 1985… that should be 1889! But definitely not illegal to photograph at night when it’s lit up or sparkling! THOUSANDS of people are all around it taking photos and videos of it!