Is It Sweater Weather Yet?


Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
Fall Fashion | Sweater Weather | Louis Vuitton Backpack | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

It's that time of year again, where it's November, everyone is gearing up for the Holiday's, drinking Pumpkin spice lattes.... and us Californian's are basically still laying out by the pool, walking around in flip flops. lol. Seriously though, it was about 75 degrees out when I was shooting this look. Thankfully, we shot in the shade with a little breeze, so it wasn't terrible, but I was definitely starting to break a sweat. In other news... I move in 2 weeks! Nowhere far, but to a new apartment complex. I've gotten a lot of DM's asking why, which I'll probably explain sometime today on my stories! Nothing crazy, so don't get too excited.

Sweater: c/o Princess Polly  |  Jeans: c/o Fashion Nova  |  Headband: c/o Fashion Nova (sold out)  |  Bag: Louis Vuitton  |  Shoes: Gucci



hayley larue

  1. Elizabeth Walker says:

    Your body shape is awesome and I love this outfit!

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  2. Carina says:

    Such a lovely outfit!

  3. Yachy | HappilyEverAlanis says:

    Are you losing weight or doing something to your face? I can’t help but notice it’s looking slimmer the last couple of months. Fuzzy crop sweaters are my fave pieces!

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  1. Elizabeth Walker says:

    Your body shape is awesome and I love this outfit!

    Review Belt For Man And Women

  2. Carina says:

    Such a lovely outfit!

  3. Yachy | HappilyEverAlanis says:

    Are you losing weight or doing something to your face? I can’t help but notice it’s looking slimmer the last couple of months. Fuzzy crop sweaters are my fave pieces!

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