How I Curl My Hair Using the NuMe Curling Wand

My curls or my way of curling hair is in no way, perfect, which I'm totally aware of... I just like to make mine more of a messy look, rather than too perfect, so I don't section my hair at all, I literally just grad pieces that need to be curled. Also! You get to see my new set of extensions in action! We added a 4th bundle in this time for a thicker look, and made that last bundle a darker color to change it up a little.

Products Used:

Classic Curling Wand w/ 38mm barrel c/o NuMe

Finishing Spray c/o NuMe

Hair Extension Info:

Hair Extensions c/o Great Lengths
4 Bundles - 3 bundles of #59 - 1 bundle of #63
Length: 14 inches

  1. Jessi Malay says:

    Love how these curls look on you babe! So pretty!!

    XO, Jessi

  2. Sienna says:

    I love the way your curls ended up! I do not have the patience to try and style my hair most days, so I just leave it as is or throw it in a ponytail, braid, or bun!

  3. Courtney says:

    Your hair looks so pretty!! I love how it turned out.

  4. Nikki says:

    Love the technique babe!


  5. Ewa Macherowska says:

    Always love your hair! ;)

  6. Anna Marie says:

    So pretty will have to give this a try! Thank you for sharing xxx

    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  7. Violife says:

    Love the curls! But how do you actually prevent it from frizzing up after hours? Thanks.

  8. Jessie says:

    Thanks for your sharing xoxo
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  1. Jessi Malay says:

    Love how these curls look on you babe! So pretty!!

    XO, Jessi

  2. Sienna says:

    I love the way your curls ended up! I do not have the patience to try and style my hair most days, so I just leave it as is or throw it in a ponytail, braid, or bun!

  3. Courtney says:

    Your hair looks so pretty!! I love how it turned out.

  4. Nikki says:

    Love the technique babe!


  5. Ewa Macherowska says:

    Always love your hair! ;)

  6. Anna Marie says:

    So pretty will have to give this a try! Thank you for sharing xxx

    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  7. Violife says:

    Love the curls! But how do you actually prevent it from frizzing up after hours? Thanks.

  8. Jessie says:

    Thanks for your sharing xoxo
    All about Best Wallets