The Free Workout App For When You Just Want To Workout From Home

health, Wellness

The Free Workout App For When You Want To Workout From Home | lululemon gear | APL sneakers | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue
The Free Workout App For When You Want To Workout From Home | lululemon gear | APL sneakers | Blondie in the City by Hayley Larue

So the second 2018 started, (ok technically not the SECOND, because I was still drunk going into the new year lol,) I knew I wanted to make a change in my lifestyle. I wanted to drink MUCH less and I wanted to take working out more seriously. Or at least... actually take the time to workout. I had heard so much about the Sweat App by Kayla, but I didn't want something I had to pay for when I live on the same floor as the gym at my apartment, lol. I was scheduling gym time pretty regularly during the first half of the year, but I would definitely have those "Ugh, I don't feel like talking to people or seeing anyone, sooooo, I don't want to go to the gym" moments... And that's when I started to look for a free workout app. I tried a few different ones, but didn't like any until I found "7M Workout." It's so perfect for when I just want to workout at home. You can choose which workout to do based off of what you want to target: arms, legs, butt, abs, and there is a little video showing you how to do each workout during it all. Some workouts are 7 minutes, 10 min, 5 min, 20 min, and you can choose to start the same workout over again after you finish. I personally love doing the "7 Minute Abs" and "7 Minute Butt." Anyway! Just wanted to share this little find, and I hope it helps anyone who has felt that "can't get to the gym" struggle.

Sports Bra: lululemon (lighter pink)  |  Leggings: lululemon (similar)  |  Shoes: APL (true to size!)



hayley larue