Thirty, Flirty, & Thriving


Birthday Photo inspo | 30th Birthday | Hayley Larue
Birthday Photo inspo | 30th Birthday | Hayley Larue

I have officially entered my 30's! And I'm actually pretty excited about it. Still sounds old af to me, but I'm ready for this new decade of life. I feel like so much happened within my 20's, I mean, rightfully so, it was 10 years, lol, but wow. I feel like you enter your 20's as basically still a kid, and end your 20's as a full on adult. I'm personally in such a good place right now and am sincerely happy with where my life is at. My best piece of advice: do not allow fear to prevent you from doing what you want to do or know you should do. Trust your gut, always. When Daniel and I were on our honeymoon, I had an overwhelming sense of peace and ultimate gratitude. Had I continued to allow fear to get in the way of what I felt in my heart was the path I needed to take, I wouldn't be happily married right now, ready to start a family with my husband who I am so in love with. I couldn't get over how happy I was. As difficult as it was for me to completely change my path, mid-twenties, it was 1000% worth the difficulty and heart ache that came along with it. And that's what I'd like to leave you guys with - What lies ahead is so much more than you can imagine. Trust God, pray, and if you've been thinking about going to therapy, go - helped me through a majority of my 20's!



hayley larue